Faerie Circle Offerings
Our mission is to create pathways of heart-centered connection to self, to nature, to each other, and to the present moment. With our mindful experiences that celebrate the natural world, you’ll be encouraged to slow down, ground in, attune to your intuition, and awaken your curiosity.
Guided Forest Walks
Our Forest Walks are never the same twice. We consider the season, the history of the land, and the natural setting as well as any unique needs of the group.
Wildcrafting Activities
We offer a wide range of guided multi-sensory experiences that are both educational and ceremonial. Let’s partner up to design the perfect hands-on activity for your group.
Custom Experiences
Have an idea in mind? We create immersive nature-based activations for all kinds of groups and settings. Tell us your goals and we’ll take it from there!
Sample Guided Forest Walk
Welcome and Opening Circle
We’ll gather, make introductions, and review tips and tricks to maximize your mindful forest experience. (Foraging prompt: Keep your eyes open for the perfect walking stick, or a faerie wand)
Grounding In
You’ll be guided through a light meditation to clear the mind and prepare the body for a deeply soothing wander through the woods. We’ll each pull a nature-based oracle card to provide personalized inspiration for our journey. (Example: If you’ve pulled the Fox Card, engage with your walk as if you were a fox!)
Permission for Presence
As we begin our walk into the Green Kingdom, you’re encouraged to drop into the present. Phones are stashed away, and small talk is eliminated. With this freedom to just BE, you feel your body relaxing and your heart opening to the magic all around you.
Tea Ceremony
We arrive at an enchanted clearing where we’ll gather in circle for a meditative tea ceremony and light journaling session. You’ll receive creative journal prompts designed to help you integrate the sensory experience of your forest walk. (Example: Get up close to a small area of nature, like the underside of a leaf or a patch of soil. Describe the miniature ecosystem)
Closing in Gratitude
We return back to where we started, yet nothing is the same. We are different, transformed by the healing power of Nature. We’ll gather to close our experience, express gratitude for the forest, and honor the memories made. (Example: building an Earth Mandala using leaves, sticks, or stones gathered on walk)
Sample Wildcrafting Activity
Welcome and Opening Circle
We’ll settle in, get comfy, and get to know each other. (Example: What’s your name, Where are you coming from, and What brought you here?)
Setting Intentions
You’re encouraged to craft a personalized intention to guide your wildcrafting experience. (You’ll be guided through this with prompts)
Sense as Ceremony
You’ll enjoy an immersive, meditative, multi-sensory journey as you create handmade nature-based products to take home and use in your self-care rituals. (Example: We’ll learn about ancient ways of working with Nature to create holistic fragrances that are gentle and healing)
Elemental Wisdom
We explore the many creative ways that Nature provides beauty and supports our wellbeing. From the hidden language of water molecules, to the secrets of crystals, to the therapeutic benefits of color, we’ll dive into the places where science and spirituality merge.
Sharing the Magic
We’ll close with a sharing circle where you’ll have the chance to express your thoughts and feelings in a safe supportive space. You’ll also have a chance to give an offering back to Nature, in gratitude for the magic she provides so freely.